The Abstraction of What
Start anywhere, start somewhere …paint over paint over paint out and explore.
I think I want a point of reference which is not apparent here. These are “doodlings “ using paint, in concert with PhotoShop and all the limitations of my own handwriting/brushstrokes.
I have color habits, regardless of color complements, intensities, shapes and size variations of the presence of color.
Everything I have in my shallow basket of skills needs a jolt.
The drawn out pandemic makes a person like me sleepy and then suddenly an extrovert - a manic rhythm. Will we be thanking the un-vaccinated 10 years from now? For what? Are they holding out against the pharmaceutical industry, and playing with Death (their own and others) just because they can? Or will 1/2 of the current population be dead 10 years from now and the rest of us be naturally immune? Which half? Which third? How many are left in the world right now?
The US isn’t really studying how or where this virus is changing? Is that TRUE? Please don’t make me join a conspiracy theory.
I have fortunately stock piled a lot of paint and several canvases. And objects, magazines and scraps of interesting paper and fabric. If I run out of materials I will paint over the old paintings and objects.
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