2022 begins soon


Do not “Dig a Pony”

Watching “Get Back” (Peter Jackson) was such a pleasure. I never knew what “Dig A Pony” meant until I looked it up just now. Kinda sorry to know now. John Lennon didn’t seeeeeem like an addict to me. Most likely because that was information kept from the public, and I was a little too young to understand what was happening with the Beatles in the sixties. Nothing is kept from the public anymore, right? And, we all get to decide what is truth and what is fiction because everyone is afraid of everyone else?

But I digress.

Getting back to painting after the holidays I see I should have considered what I may have learned from those yellow paintings. Those yellow paint-outs were potentially going somewhere, don’t you think? I lost the creative threads of that yellow painting experience. I tried to keep reminding myself of what was good about those little 10”x10” paintings. I enjoyed doing them, they were small and came together quickly.

I wanted to do another similar painting in a different colors, not yellow but pink. A painting-out of a green background I considered. How hard could that be? I made the green/blue background weeks ago - as a study for a bigger painting (2’x3’). That was actually not bad, the green/blue, but it wasn’t a painting. Well, maybe what I choose paint out should be a painting because that green background did NOT inspire me to paint more, it inspired me to “counter” the green with pinks - because that (painting out) would be enough to make it into a painting. Blechhh… and then it became a major pink paint-out that was painstakingly slow and looks awful. Needs yellow? just kidding.

Now I’m going back to an interim 10”x10” that I don’t like, but at least it has some decent shapes?

My next goal, using a similar abstract style, is to have a subject drive the color and the brush strokes. Music, it’ll be about music. More transparency, much more. So, “stay tuned”.


waiting for the rain - where is it?


The Abstraction of What